What is Computer keybord special charcter and Windows steps
1.How mony types of key in keybord? Ans-There are four types of key in keyboard 1.Function keys-F1 to F12 2.Numeric keys-0 to 9 3.Alphabets keys-A to Z 4.Special keys-# @ Special keys ~ - Tild # - Hash $ - Dollar sing & - And * - Strick ! - Exclamation ^ - Correct @ - At the rate of ( - Open small braket ) - Close small braket + - Plus % - Parcentage - - Minus - Underscore = - Equal to \ - Back { - Open bracess } - Close bracess [ - Open big bracket ] - Close big braket : - Colon ; - Semi colon " - Double cottation ' - Single conttation > - Grater than < - Less than . - Full stop , - Comma ENTER -Change the new line - Space bar - Windows key - Ponter key - Tab key CAPS LOCK - Change small latter ...